APNA Online Learning
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APNA has long supported the development of a safe, quality, national e-health record as part of an effective healthcare system.
Primary health care nurses can play a key role in understanding the principles and value of the My Health Record, assisting access, as well as cleaning and uploading data to the shared health record.
APNA believes that e-health records are an essential tool to facilitate safe and accurate health care stewardship for consumers and clinicians and therefore supports the opt-out approach. However the My Health Record system needs to be safe, secure, standardised, interoperable, meaningful and user-friendly.
Privacy concerns and legislation changes
Recent media suggests there is some ambiguity about the privacy legislation surrounding The My Health Record.
Last week the Hon Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health, announced legislative changes to the My Health Record to strengthen privacy provisions under the My Health Record Act.
The amendments will ensure no record can be released to police or government agencies, for any purpose, without a court order. Furthermore, it will enable anyone wishing to cancel their record to do so by permanently deleting their record from the system. To read the full release click here.
APNA welcomes the Government’s change in legislation and its commitment to address consumer privacy concerns. We also support the Consumer Health Forum of Australia’s position statement on stronger protection for patient records.
Have more questions about My Health Record?
The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) has comprised a list of frequently asked questions in order to address any questions you may have including ‘What does the Minister for Health’s announcement about legislation changes mean for me?’
ADHA has also recently created eight new videos on How to use My Health Record.
You can also watch other My Health Record videos, including case studies and multiple language versions.