APNA Online Learning
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Learning on the go with APNA online learning
Primary health care is any medical service that is provided outside the four walls of a hospital, including aged care, community health, general practice, custodial, schools and many other primary health care settings. Australia's 98,000+ primary health care nurses play a critical role in disease prevention and control to keep people healthy. They provide proactive care and health promotion to keep Australians well.
Shingles is well known to cause a painful rash, blisters and excruciating nerve pain that can last for months, or even years.1,3
ZOSTAVAX is the only single-dose shingles vaccination funded on the National Immunisation Program (NIP) for eligible adults 70–79 years.6,7*
*NIP catch-up program for people aged 71–79 is time limited.8
ZOSTAVAX is a live vaccine, check contraindications before prescribing.6
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For adults aged 70-79 years.8 |
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ZOSTAVAX single-dose shingles vaccination, available on the NIP for eligible patients.6,7 |
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Remember – Your recommendation is critical to protect your eligible patients from shingles.6,11 |
PBS Information: This product is listed on the National Immunisation Program (NIP). Refer to the NIP Schedule.
Before prescribing, please review Product Information available at http://seqirus.com.au/PI. Further information is available on request from Seqirus.
1. Harpaz R et al. MMRW 2008 Jun 6; 57(RR-5):1–30. 2. National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance. Herpes Zoster Fact Sheet. Available at: http://www.ncirs.edu.au/assets/provider_resources/fact-sheets/herpes-zoster-vaccine-fact-sheet.pdf [Accessed February 2020]. 3. Oxman MN et al. In: Arvin AM et al (EDs). Varicella-Zoster Virus: Virology and Clinical Management 2000: 246–75. 4. Langan SM et al. Clin Infect Dis 2014; 58:1497–1503. 5. Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI). Australian Immunisation Handbook, Australian Government Department of Health, Canberra, 2018, immunisationhandbook.health.gov.au. [Accessed February 2020]. 6. Zhang Y et al. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2017;26(8):1807-1816. 7. Erskine N et al. PLoS One. 2017;12(7):e0181565. 8. Minassian C et al. PLoS Med. 2015;12(12):e1001919. 9. MacIntyre R et al. PLos ONE 2015; 10(4):e0125025. 10. ZOSTAVAX® Approved Product Information. 11. Department of Health. Immunise Australia Program. National Immunisation Program Schedule. Available at: https://beta.health.gov.au/health-topics/immunisation/immunisation-throughout-life/national-immunisation-program-schedule. [Accessed February 2020]. 12. Immunise Australia Program. Older Australians. Available at: http://www.immunise.health.gov.au/internet/immunise/publishing.nsf/Content/older-australians [Accessed February 2020]. 13. Menzies R et al. Med J Aust 2017; 206 (6):238–239.
Seqirus (Australia) Pty Ltd. 63 Poplar Road, Parkville, VIC 3052. ABN 66 120 398 067. Medical Information: 1800 42 865. Seqirus™ is a trademark of Seqirus UK Limited or its affiliates. Date of preparation: February 2020. SEQ/PNEU/0518/0116b
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