Nurse practitioner and APNA member Denise Lyons reflects on working as a nurse practitioner in primary health care in Australia. Primary Times Summer 2017 (Volume 17, Issue 4)
Nurse clinics are not a new concept, and operate in many settings from acute care to primary health care, both nationally and internationally. And while the format of these clinics may vary, their positive benefits and impacts are recognised with studies indicating nurse clinics result in improved health outcomes, reduced waiting times for care and decreased rates of hospital admission. Primary Times Summer 2017, Volume 17 Issue 4.
June 2018. Part of APNA’s Transition to Practice Pilot Program (TPPP), has been to ensure nurses stay informed of primary health care news and best practice. All nurses are actively encouraged to seek out additional and external resources, news and information, including keeping abreast of any changes occurring in local or national government. One such change has occurred recently, with the MBS requirements for Item 900 becoming more robust. Read more...
June 2018. Australia faces a shortfall of 38,000 nurses in the primary health care sector by 2030, if industry stakeholders remain apathetic about workforce retention and recruitment.
May 2018. A collaborative healthcare approach with nurses at the helm of managing patient care is not a new concept. Yet this alternate model of care is neither well understood nor fully embraced by the primary health sector.
Mentoring in the workplace delivers myriad benefits for the nursing workforce including job retention, promotion and advancement, higher satisfaction, morale and productivity. Now more than ever, it is considered an essential element in keeping nurses engaged and satisfied throughout their professional journey. Primary Times Autumn 2018 (Volume 18, Issue 1)
March 2018. The Bega Teen Clinic is a nurse-led, early intervention model of access to primary health care for teenagers, which sits within existing general practices providing a drop-in service for young people in rural towns and supported by APNA through the Enhanced Nurse Clinics program.
September 2017. APNA Position Statement: Nurses working to their full scope of practice as part of an interdisciplinary team can enable more integrated, efficient and accessible healthcare. September 2017.
The Career and Education Framework and Toolkit supports education and career progression and improves employment opportunities, recruitment and retention for nurses in primary health care.
Providing a snap shot of a day in the life' of three nurses across different geographical areas in Queensland this video showcases the diverse role of the general practice nurse.
Working in primary health care offers a diverse, dynamic and fulfilling career with opportunities to evolve professionally and make a difference. Visit to explore roles, professional development guidance, complete a career quiz, and undertake the self-assessment based on the framework.
The systems and processes building block describes the fundamental requirements to maximise your clinic’s outcomes focusing on: technical systems, processes to manage patient appointments and reminders and data-management and privacy obligations.
Working as a nurse in primary health care offers a diverse, dynamic and fulfilling career with opportunities. Find out about working in refugee health and more. Visit
August 2018. Created by the Australian Healthcare and Hospital Association the End of Life Directions for Aged Care Primary Care Toolkit now contains new factsheets for primary health care providers in addition to the existing resources. Find out more...
Nurse and APNA Member Caroline Gibson has been recognised nationally for her innovative dementia care work. Ms Gibson was a finalist in the prestigious APNA Nurse Awards for developing a ground-breaking practice nurse dementia care model at Ballarat Community Health. Read more...