APNA Online Learning
Learning on the go with APNA online learning
Research opportunities for nurses, midwives and nurse practitioners working in primary health care.
This study aims to explore the current role and experiences of Practice nurses in promoting oral health among women approaching or in menopause. Participation will involve a 20–30-minute interview. The interview will be conducted at a convenient time for you using either phone, online platforms like Zoom, or face-to-face. The valuable information you provide will assist in the development of strategies to support future resources and training programs around oral health care and menopause. Participation is voluntary and the information you provide will be strictly confidential.
Register your interest in taking part
For further information contact Namitha Thomas (Chief investigator and PhD student) Tel: 02 8738 9367 or email: 20628260@student.westernsydney.edu.au
Researchers at the University of Sydney want to hear from you.
November 2024
Sydney University researchers want to hear your thoughts and ideas on how early childhood obesity prevention strategies can be better integrated into primary health care policies and routine practice.
Please contact Dr Emalie Rosewarne, Research Fellow, Faculty of Medicine and Health, emalie.rosewarne@sydney.edu.au if you would like to participate in this study or if you would like further information about the study.
May 2024
Are you involved in general practice in Sydney? You have an opportunity to contribute to an impactful research study examining the integral role of nurses in general practice.
May 2024
You are invited to take part in a research project exploring mental health professionals' confidence in supporting individuals during and after extreme weather events.
Participants in the study must be 18 years of age or over, English-speaking, and a practicing health professional in Australia (e.g., psychologist, counsellor, social worker, psychiatrist, general practitioner, nurse, occupational therapist, etc.).
Potential participants will be invited to fill out a questionnaire. With their consent, the questionnaire will ask about their demographic information, their professional experience and expertise, as well as their own experience navigating extreme weather events.
Taking part in the study is completely voluntary, and participants can stop taking part in the study at any time without explanation or prejudice by closing the browser. No identifying information is collected in this study. Please note, however, that due to the anonymous nature of the survey, if participants choose to withdraw after survey submission, we will be unable to identify and delete their data.